The Municipality of Ariccia entrusted me to realize a photographic production and a consequent solo exhibition for the 20-year anniversary of the acquisition of Palazzo Chigi to the municipality itself. The exhibition consists of 20 color diptychs of photographs taken inside Palazzo Chigi and outside, in the town of Ariccia. As for the Palace, the pictures describe special details, rendering the image of a work in its entirety, be it a painting, a piece of furniture or antique wallpaper. Details are meant to be a “magnifying glass”on the most representative works of the Museum’s collection. The exhibition was hosted by Locanda Martorelli, Museo del Grand Tour, which was a staging point for the ones who undertook the Grand Tour d'Italie; in 1880 it became the center of a real Academy of painting “en plein air”, as the most famous landscape architects of the century like Turner, Corot, or Ivanov stayed there.
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Solo exhibitions | 2010